ShowDaily Day2 - Flipbook - Page 3
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SEMCION Japan,” Monacha said.
Moore’s Law.
He noted that the first edition of
Van den hove sounded a positive
by Betinna Weiss,
the HIR Roadmap contains 584
note, saying the industry has the
SEMI’s chief of
pages. “It’s not the quantity or the
building blocks to do it. “We have
number of pages that matters. What the lithography roadmap, and the
“The ITRS —
matters is the contents. The contents fact that EUV entered manufacfor decades, our
of this edition are simply outturing last year, I think is a very
industry’s compass
standing. There’s lot of meaningful
important tipping point that allows
Bettina Weiss
— was discontinued
material, a lot of illustrations and
this continuation of Moore’s law.
in 2014, and that certainly created
a lot of ideas. This really is going
At the same time, we have a device
a void as well as some impassioned
to propel the innovation and be the
roadmap to bring us to sub 1nm
discussion about Moore’s law and
best guide for our industry.” The
dimensions. What is going to be imthe future of Moore’s Law,” said
HIR Roadmap can be found on the
portant is that we find ways to keep
Ms. Weiss. “Both of you have been
SEMI website.
the cost under control so that we can
very vocal and very supportive of
Turning to imec’s Van den hove,
also adhere to the economic version
filling that void with meaningful
Ms. Weiss asked if he could share
of Moore’s Law,” he said.
new tools for those in the industry
his views on the importance of that
It’s not going to be a one size fits
to sustainably plan their future. Ajit, effort and the future of Moore’s Law all solution, Van den hove caucan you please share your views on
as he saw it.
tioned. “We will have to optimize
the importance of the heterogeneous
“Driving Moore’s Law is a large
the solutions for various system
integration roadmap, the HIR, and
part of our mission,” said Van den
requirements, so we will have more
what it means for the industry and
hove. “We are convinced that that
options. We will have to find ways
how SEMI is involved?”
Moore’s law is going to continue
on tuning the devices for the appliMonacha, who joined
for several more generations.
cations,” he said.
SEMI in 2017, said that
The most important reason
Van den hove sees heterogeneous
after having many oneis that there’s probably not
integration as one component of
on-ones with many
an option not to conMoore’s Law. “It will allow us
stakeholders, the strong
tinue Moore’s Law,
to build these hyper-complex
message was: ‘Ajit, we miss
systems in the future,” he
Ajit Monacha
the industry roadmap. That
enormous need for more
was a guide for us to develop our
computation and more data
Van den hove said this
own strategy. We know what to do,
way of innovation is imLuc Van den hove
but the roadmapmap was definitely
Van den hove pointed to
portant because of the need
very critical. Is there any way SEMI what the world is going through now to link system requirements with
can help?’
with the COVID crisis. “The exthe basic technology development.
He said early on volunteers Bill
ponential increasing in web traffic
“In the past, we could have a
Bottoms and Bill Chen visited and
volume that we are experiencing re- sequential way of innovating where
told him they needed help with
quires this massive data storage and one part of the value chain brings
industry validation. “Who better
computation. We have to find a way innovation to the next part of the
than SEMI to help with that? It was to continue Moore’s Law to respond value chain. What we need now is
one of the best meetings I had in the to that demand. If we don’t develop
to bring all the key players of the
first two months and I gave them
more performance technology,
value chain together and approach
an unconditional commitment that
exponentially increasing data
innovation from a more network
I will support and sponsor all activ- volumes will lead to an exponential type of way,” he said. “That’s
ities. And since then we sponsored
increasing — for example — energy where the strength of bringing
many sessions of HIR at SEMI’s
consumption at these data centers.
those networks together — bringing
headquarters, as well as SEMI
We simply cannot handle that.
SEMI and imec together — is so
events such as SEMICON West and We have to find ways to continue
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Tuesday, July 21 | 3